Listening Space
Listening Space is an on-going artistic research that was born during eTextile Spring Break 2019 between Afroditi Psarra and e-textile designer and co-founder of the Datapaulette hackerspace in Paris, Audrey Briot.
This project explores transmissions ecologies as a means of perceiving the surrounding environment beyond our human abilities. Conceptually the project seeks to define satellite data as raw material for artistic expression, to understand and re-imagine in poetic means, representations of audio and images broadcasted from space, using body movement and gesture as actuators to explore remote sensing.
Driven by our previous explorations in non-verbal communication systems, we set out to explore RF detection, while considering the human body as an interface for sensing the invisible universe that surrounds us. By investigating the energies that have been harvested by humanity to knit this complex layer, a turbulent sea of radio waves that penetrates the fabric of our everyday lives even if it remains unseen and unheard, we aim to create poetic connotations between the sonic qualities of data collection and archiving, and bodies as agents of power to re-interpret current technologies.
Specifically, the ecologies of transmission that comprise the Radio Spectrum, are no doubt the ultimate expression of the Anthropocene, as they permit the operation of human life as we know it (telecommunications, environmental monitoring, radio astronomy, FM/AM radio, etc) and shape our understanding of the planet.
In this context, Listening Space seeks to explore satellite transmissions as discrete embodied machines, by observing their liveness at a rhythm dictated by their orbit.
Through hands-on experimentation, we sought to intercept the NOAA weather satellites’ audiovisual transmissions using Software-Defined-Radio and hand-crafted antennas. This process aligned perfectly with the idea of citizen science that both of us are exploring in our work. The intercepted signals were then knitted into textiles that we named Satellite Ikats, as a means of physical archiving of the detection and decoding process. These knitted memory artifacts were created using a hacked domestic double bed knitting machine, and their imagery is comprised by fragments of the audio transmissions, based on gaps and counts. Textiles occupy a central place in Listening Space: we seek to enhance the human capability to sense and to embody the dialogues intercepted between earth and its satellites.

Exhibitions and Performances
Weather Engines, National Observatory of Athens, Onassis Cultural Center. Curated by Daphne Dragona and Jussi Parrika.
MAKE ME A SIGNAL - Prelude to a RADIOTOPIA. STWST48x7 in association with Ars Electronica 2021. Maindeck, STWST, Linz, Austria. Curated by Shu Lea Cheang, Adriana Knouf, and Franz Xaver.
Lux Aeterna, Jacob Lawrence Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA. Curated by Emily Zimmerman.
CADAF (Crypto and Digital Art Fair), Digital Art Month Paris, France. Represented by V-Art.
ArtSpaceship V-Art Space Art virtual exhibition. Curated by Anna Shvets.
Sentience, ISEA 2020 (International Symposium of Electronic Arts), Montreal, Canada, virtual exhibition and online performance. Curated by Erandy Vergara.
OurNetworks Toronto, Canada, online performance. Curated by Sarah Friend.
ISWC19 Design Exhibition The 12th Annual Design Exhibition at the International Symposium on Wearable Computers London, UK. Chaired by Oscar Tomico and Rain Ashford.
Psarra, Afroditi and Briot, Audrey. 2020. Listening Space: Satellite Ikats machine knitted swatches. Published in “HFF 2020”, edited by Wei-Chieh, Shih. Funded and pertaining to the collection of the National Taiwanese Craft Research and Development Institute (NTCRI). Self-published, limited edition of 16 copies.
Psarra, Afroditi and Briot, Audrey. 2019. Listening space: Satellite Ikats. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 318–321. DOI:
V-Art, and Tatchers Art Space. 2021. Art Spaceship Exhibition Catalogue,
Engelman, Sasha. 2021. 'Planetary Radio'. The Contemporary Journal 3.
Llacer, Toni & Montaretto Marullo, Nicola & Clèries, Laura & Fraguada, Luis & Garcia, Pau & Guasch, Clara & Guljajeva, Varvara & Tomico, Oscar. 2020. 75 Challenges Faced by Humans and the Planet - An Innovation Report by Elisava Research. Elisava Insights, Barcelona, Spain.
“Listening Space Performance #ArtTuesday.” Adafruit Industries - Makers, Hackers, Artists, Designers and Engineers!, 30 Mar. 2021,
Bergstrom Award for Art and Science.
RADIOTOPIA - a rehearsal of spectrum takeover, CAMP RADIO STUBNITZ, Hamburg, Germany. Curated by Shu Lea Cheang, Adriana Knouf, and Franz Xaver. (upcoming)
eTextile Spring Break at The Wassaic Project, New York.