A collaboration between media artist Afroditi Psarra, interaction designer Audrey Desjardins and speaking percussionist Bonnie Whiting.

Responding to current concerns about the ubiquity of voice assistants, Voices and Voids, focuses on building a series of performative artifacts that aim to challenge AI and ML technologies, and to examine automation through the prism of “ghost work” that constantly support these systems. By allowing AI agents to listen to our most private conversations, we become receptive to this mediated care, while forgetting or ignoring how much these automated interactions have been pre-scripted. While these interactions cultivate a sense of familiarization with the non-human, they also corroborate the impact of Late Capitalism and the Anthropocene. Within these contradictions, we see an opportunity to reclaim, examine, and ultimately transcode this data through an interdisciplinary performance project, by developing embodied experiments using a combination of design, data-driven art, cyber crafts, found-object, and traditional percussion instruments, spoken word, and movement. Initially conceived as a live performance and installation, our changed environment during the COVID-19 pandemic inspired us to pivot to the medium of net art. The project consists of a series of 12 performative vignettes that transcode voice assistant data in multiple forms. These vignettes share interconnected themes such as automation, intimate narratives, translations in language, experiments with context, relation to the body, and forms of labor.

To explore the project visit: https://voicesandvoids.net


Voices and Voids was developed through a Mellon Foundation Fellowship from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington and involved a series of in-person and remote guest artist residencies, as well as the involvement of DXARTS, Design, Music and HCDE students through a directed research group which run on Winter 2020 quarter. The development process of the project was documented at: http://blog.voicesandvoids.net

In November 2020 we had the opportunity to do an online presentation website launch and a moderated discussion organized by Emily Zimmerman and the Jacob Lawrence Gallery at the University of Washinton. The event was also featured on the Seattle Channel website. The following video is a recording of this public event.



Constructing Contexts, Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art, Singing Waves Gallery, 3/F Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong. Curated by Tobias Klein, and Rodrigo Guzman Serrano.


Voices+Voids: Reclaiming and Transcoding Our Data as Performance. Website launch, live performance + moderated discussion at the Jacob Lawrence Gallery. Curated by Emily Zimmerman.



Biggs, Heidi, Small, Cayla, Desjardins, Audrey and Psarra, Afroditi. Moving Design Research: GIFs as Research Tools. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021 (DIS '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1927–1940. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3461778.3462144 (Honorable Mention Award)

Desjardins, Audrey and Psarra, Afroditi and Whiting, Bonnie. 2021. Voices and Voids: Subverting Voice Assistant Systems through Performative Experiments. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 29, 1–10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3450741.3466807

Artist Talks


Desjardins, Audrey and Psarra, Afroditi and Whiting, Bonnie. Everyday Voices and Voids: Reclaiming and Transcoding Voice Interaction Data As Performance. International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA 2020), Montreal, Canada (online).



Mellon Foundation Creative Fellowship by the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington.

Shortlisted for the Open Call No.8 by Solitude and ZKM - Engineering Care. Curated by Daphne Dragona.



Adversarial Hacking In the Age of AI workshop, KIM research group at HfG Karlsruhe and Transmediale festival, Berlin, Germany.


Fractal Antennae
